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Looking Onward

In today’s day and age, having a college internship has become more important than ever when it comes to getting a job after graduation. The job climate is competitive, and the more students can stand out, the better. Most industries look for students who have practical experience and success, and Cincy Internships is here to help you gain that experience.

Cincy Internships is made up of three programs, including Careers Cincinnati, the Workum Fund Internship Program, and Onward Israel.

With Onward Israel, students get to live and work in Israel for eight weeks. We spoke to students about their top five reasons for choosing Onward.

  1. Jumpstart your career. With access to the CEO and other senior leadership, you will be thrown right into the mix, and at times treated as an employee and not as an intern. You will be struck by the informal, casual, and egalitarian ethos of the companies in which you intern. You will take this very different kind of professional experience back home to your next job.
  2. Gain a sense of independence. By living and working as a young adult in Israel, you will be challenged by language, lack of familiarity with your surroundings, and Israeli behaviors. You will step out of your comfort zone, overcome obstacles, and learn about yourself in ways you did not envision back home.
  3. Think differently about Israel beyond the soundbites. After two months of immersive living, the oversimplified soundbites will suddenly be peeled away, and you will gain fascinating new vantage points and be able to delve into previously unnoticed layers of complexity in Israeli culture and issues.
  4. Uncover your sense of “Jewishness.” The Onward Israel program is not religious. However, Israel is a Jewish country, and the interaction with a wide range of Israeli-employers, co-workers, social encounters, and cab drivers will prompt you to ask the very basic questions: How am I Jewish? What does this mean? Who do I want to be? Experiencing the commonality and the divergence in Jewish expression is powerful in shaping how your “Jewishness” defines you. 
  5. Meet challenges that will turn into lifelong lessons. Your summer will not be 100% pleasant: short-term rentals present housing challenges; not all internships match what was expected or hoped for; group dynamics with scores of new peers and colleagues can be complex and challenging to your sense of self. These unforeseen challenges are rewarding and can lead to your personal and professional growth.

There are just five examples of what can be discovered as part of an Onward Israel trip. What will you discover on yours?

If you’re interested in learning more about Onward Israel, contact Rosa Ziegler at or call (513) 745-2914.


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